dear five-people-who-read-this-blog, please come back, we miss you and promise to write more often. but before we get to writing a *real* post here's something passed onto us from
glob blog.
Last Movie Seen In A Theatre?
It sucked so bad that I'm ashamed to admit that we actually rushed to watch it on the day it released. I hate Kareena Kapoor and her pathetic attempt at trying to look hot. I hate aging old Saif Ali Khan trying to sell himself with nothing but a handlebar mustache. I hate the absolute waste of Anil Kapoor. I hate the c-grade climax. the present tense coz I'm yet to get over the ridiculousness of it all.
What Book Are You Reading?
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy.
after lumbering through the collected stories some six months ago, I vowed to not go back to reading this man for at least an year. but a girl needs her bathroom reading material.
Favorite Board Game?
Scrabble. Largely because this is the only board game I remember ever winning and the only one I begin playing with any hope of winning. No, it's not fun just participating, it also helps if one wins occasionally, screw sportsmanship.
Favourite Magazine?
Marie Claire in print and The Slate online.
Favourite Smells?
Petrol. Lime. Ashok.
Favorite Sound?
The Sea.
Worst Feeling In The World?
that of the world having abandoned you when you need it the most.
What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake Up?
fuckity fuck fuck.I'm so fucked.
Favorite Fast Food Place?
Don't laugh:
Teenage Point, Visakhapatnam, venue of many many birthday parties in my very eventless childhood and hence THE place I loved the most for two years. Mesa Pizza, Minneapolis - Pizza that tastes like manna when drunk and like crap when sober, hence a very deserted place in Dinkytown on a weekday afternoon, silence and spice.
Future Child’s Name?
Asya. Arav. yes, we're prepared for twins. if we have triplets, one of those babies is going to be very very unlucky.
Finish This Statement: If I Had A Lot of Money, I’d...
Do You Drive Fast?
yes but only when I'm in a car. the hair's holy. the hair's not to be ruined just to get somewhere sooner.
Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?
no. I hate sharing my bed with anything/anyone. I don't think he knows this.
Storms– cool or scary?
been subjected to quite a few having grown up in a
costa zilla. I love storms.
Do You Eat The Stems on Broccoli?
I eat everything. stems, stalks, shoots, roots. but yeah, yet to graduate to meat. getting there. getting there.
If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Colour, What Would Be Your Choice?
I couldn't get myself to stray too far from my basic brown the two times I tried to "make things exciting". I'm pretty sure I'd look stupid with red or magenta on my head. apologies for not being very creative/adventurous in this department: chestnut brown, it is.
Name All The Different Cities/Towns You’ve Lived In.
Hyderabad. ermm,
Chennai for a wee bit.
Favorite Sports To Watch:
One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You:
I like her because we have similar stories.
What’s Under Your Bed?
well. there isn't a bed. there's a mattress, that's too small for two. however, I am aware of what's under that mattress coz
a. the floor's infinitely cooler than the mattress and ashok put together
b. I have a habit of dangling off my beds, and
c. ashok's an asshole.
under the bed is a very gross floor.
Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
nope. how can I be born as myself anyway unless the whole world around me decides to repeat itself? even if the whole world cooperates to recreate every circumstance that's shaped me, what's the point, again?
Morning Person or Night Owl?
Night Owl but my regular bed time of 4 am can hardly be called night.
Over Easy or Sunny Side Up?
Over Easy. runny whites maketh a queasy morning.
Favourite Place To Relax?
there's this coconut tree that no one cared about when it was a little coconut plant. so, it grew at an easy incline leaning over my grandma's garden wall. the trick is to scale the wall first and then inch up the tree. then you lean back, trust friction, ignore the harmless black ants, let the breeze dry you off, hum old telugu songs and talk to the old lady sitting in her armchair on the first floor balcony. heaven.
Favourite Pie?
Favourite Ice-Cream Flavour?
Mint Chocolate Chip.
You Pass This Tag To–
nobody. lemme count the number of people who did what they were asked to the last time we tagged them. zero!
as I've just demonstrated, we're friends with some fiercely independent people in blogland and they'll write what they want to, regardless of who tags them, anyway. right, alternative excuse: we don't know nobody and everybody else is friggin' lazy.
alright, would update this part later.
Of All The People You Tagged, Who’s Most Likely To Respond First?
if I did, how about nobody?
Meanwhile, India is freakishly hot and I regret my decision to leave behind my open toe shoes very much. More later.