gtalk failed us ,the other day.normally, we communicate in grunts and strange howls, coz gtalk lets us talk. but that day, we were required to type. and what started off as a routine, slam book thingie, led to some serious, summer slamming. read on,if you do not suffer from congenital high-standards.
aishu: neeku bollywood lo evaru ishtam ra?
me: amitabh bachchan
aishu: ohh don like him.
me: shit. nijangaa ra.loved him in nishabd
aishu: abba, e musalodaina bad lightin lo alaane untaadu ra.
me: ok, the trouble is he's makin ita li'l too obvious that he is actually amitabh and not the guy he is playing.
aishu: yeah, see, at least when shah rukh does that we don really mind watchin shah rukh instead of raj or rahul or whateva.
me : ok, he's playing a genie telusaa?
aishu : excellent. why can't he jus die?
me: coz there's just one place left in hell, and shah ruk's yet to die?
aishu: ohk. so who's askin him to go to hell, jus die.
me: don.shah ruk khan played bombed. shah ruk took over hit an all time low.
i rest my case.
aishu: swades and shehenshah and I rest mine.
me : shah ruk and duplicate. shah ruk and ram jaane
aishu: do you remember this movie called suryavamsam, the hindi version?
amitabh and bade miyan chote miyan
me: shah ruk and ddlj and kkhh and abcd and unicef and unesco
aishu: shit, amitabh and million other horrible movies.
me: shit, shah ruk and the absolute horror of his face
aishu:yeah. like amitabh is handsome.
me: abba, he was. silsila? abhimaan? sholay?
aishu: really make a list and you'd come up wid far more bad movies fror amitabh
aishu: amitabh and what he's leavin behind for Indian cinema, abhishek. that's enough ra to hate him foreva
me: he was the epitiome of 80's cool in sholay. ok, 70's.
aishu: ade ra. he was in a diff era so I dunno the names of all the movies but seriously shehenshah is enough.and have you seen him in abhimaan, he looks like a shaved chicken.
me: aishu, shah ruk chose a stupid rip off of a nameless hollywood thriller to be his launch pad
aishu : yeah, what was amitabh's debut ashu?
me: abhishek, star son advantage and all, chose a bearded,deglamorised, real toughie of a refugee
aishu: ohh yeah, that din get him anywhere really. tht wasn't his launch pad. the series of movies after?
me: well, yeah, the stupid indian audience din like it that he wasn't called raj or rahul or adi. or he din ware ill-fitting, nauseatin blue clothes just to look hip and yung and for gossakes archie fuckin gates. or that he din land in a chopper for karva chauth
aishu: bull shit. he was called raj and rahul in about 14 flicks after that.he's a disaster.
me : aishu, give up
aishu: okay, did he see kuch na kaho?
me: you are fightin a losin battle. you already lost
aishu: I am not. you sayin that doesn't make it one.
me: lady, here's my wreath.i buried shah ruk.he's gone
aishu: whateva. there's jus no way you can prove that amitabh is better.he's only been around longer.
me: ekalavya?
aishu: he's been around longer.
me: aishu, there's absolutely no sense in expectin shah ruk wud age as gracefully as amitabh ra
aishu: another 20 years and shahrukh'll play a friggin bodyguard too. and yeah he'd be sufficiently wrinkled to look deep.
me: he'd die a megalomaniac who once was a superstar
aishu: amitabh did not age gracefully.he was thrown out for makin movies like wait kohram?
ohh no. mrityudata?
me: he was tryin to send abhishek to a good school. and he did it for frends
aishu: ohh yeah, so did shahrukh.for his wife.ajooba? agneepath?
me: it'd do the world a world of good, if he only made peace with the fact that he is no amitabh
aishu: ohh lord, toofan?
me: he is not a speck on amitabh.amitabh has a madame tussad's all for himself
aishu: so does aishwarya rai, so that doesn't count.
aishu: he's not tryin to be amitabh. and if people stuck on amitabh can't get over it, it's not his problem.
me: amitabh was voted the greatest actor, period. in fuckin firengland
aishu : he's been around longer.
me: you have said it lost,twice.twice, aishu?shame shame
aishu: no, all the hype around amitabh is only coz he's been around longer.
me: hype?ok, the last movie of amitabh, she's seen?
me: khaakee ra? dev?
aishu: whoa long time gone le.
he's been around longer.
me: deewaar?
aishu: waqt?
me: so what?
aishu: family?
me: this was about who's a better actor? its not about who's been around longer
who's a better actor.
aishu: yeah, so go back to the 70s and compare those movies wid shahrukh's
me: forget winnin or losin this my-sided argument
aishu: shah rukh is.
me: she's losin it.
me : peter 'o toole got nominated and so did ryan gosling.
aishu: don jus say that coz you're scared you are.
me: toole's 83689 years old.
aishu: soah? but hon, this is India, and that's how it works here.
me: shit.
that was a cheap shot.
aishu: ashok. jus one last movie ra. Kyun, Ho Gaya Na.
me: that was a cheap shot.
aishu: and I don even need to talk to you anymore.
me: this is india ata. taht was seriously bad defense.
aishu: it is true, you know it.
me: what is true? that you are doing this, just coz you said shah ruk and regret it?
aishu: ohh ohh, did I mention Laal Baadshah? double role.
me: honey, duplicate?
aishu: I do not regret it. yeah, there, chellu ki chellu.
me: i mean, i really can understand it, if they got away with playin a double role, before they cracked the dna.but ,duplicate was recent. it was later than the mid 90's.
aishu: so?
me: you'd expect more common sense.
aishu: did you see waqt ashok?
aishu: a goddamned "I'm dyin of hair cancer now weep"flick.
me: did you see one two ka four aishu?
aishu : yes I did and I liked it. far better than babul.
me: yeah, i liked babul aithe.and baghban and waqt.i adored his haitstyle in shehen shah
aishu: you did? see, that's enough to conclude that you don qualify to comment.
me: shah ruk's not a better actor, just because you like him.
aishu: neither is amitabh coz you do.
me: amitabh's teh best.even if i don think he is.see the difference, you blinded by blind faith,woman?
aishu: you jus think that coz he;s been around longer.
me: shit.
aishu: I could say the same thing about shahrukh.
me: don say it so many times. you really think shah ruk's the best?
aishu: I can. that is the only reason people think amitabh is good.
me: i mean, really?
aishu: yes, I do.
me: yeah, its true.
aishu: what is? and why?
me: the ten biblical plagues nightmare is true. when things like this happen ra, it augurs bad things for those who live in tanzanian swamps. right now, as we speak, it started.
aishu: whateva.
me: the devil's time has arrived.we are all dying.
aishu: coz amitabh refuses to die.
me: just coz you refuse to admit.
aishu: just coz you refuse to admit it
me: ok, how long have we been doing this for, again?
aishu: I dunno.
me: love you
aishu: naah, I can go on foreva.
me: love you so much. mmuuaahhh
aishu: love you so much too.mmuuahh too
me: hello subbarao gaaru *she turns back*
aishu: I don't.
me: amitabh's the best.amitabh's the best.
aishu: he's fuckin not.
me: hee haa
i win.i win.
aishu: that was so dumb.not to mention male.
me: we'll take the fight to the next level,ok? lemme get my light sabre. you wait,right there. move, and my movement sensor, electro magnetic ray gun,would take you out like a chicken.
aishu : fuck you.